<p>There have also been significant construction milestones – workers recently placed the passive residual heat removal (PRHR) heat exchanger inside the Unit 3 containment vessel. The PRHR heat exchanger is a key feature of the AP1000 reactor’s passive core cooling system which is part of the larger AP1000 passive safety system.<br>
<p>Workers at the site also placed the CA55 module, weighing approximately 170,000 pounds. The CA55 module is the first roof module for the in-containment refueling water storage tank, and will be where the integrated head package is placed during a refueling outage once the unit begins operating.<br>
<p>With more than 6,000 construction workers currently on-site, the Vogtle nuclear expansion is the largest job-producing project in the state of Georgia. Once online, the new units will provide more than 800 careers, including 75 nuclear operators. Including the latest class of operators, 56 licensed operators are now available for Vogtle Units 3 and 4 with additional licensing training underway.</p>
<p>Watch Southern Company chief financial officer Art Beattie give a <a href="https://bcove.video/2rg5oDD" target="_blank">construction update on Bloomberg >></a></p>
<p>Follow the project’s progress with new photos added to the <a href="https://www.georgiapower.com/company/plant-vogtle/showcase/construction-photos.html" target="_blank">Plant Vogtle 3 & 4 online photo gallery >></a><br>